French bishops order national prayer for France opposing gay marriages and euthanasia

Posted: August 8, 2012 in Marriage
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The French Catholic Church will revive a centuries-old custom next week with an updated national “prayer for
France opposing the same-sex marriage and euthanasia reforms planned by the new Socialist government.marriage not gay union
King Louis XIII decreed in 1638 that all churches would pray on Aug 15 but the annual practice fell into disuse after World War Two.

In the text, Catholics will pray for newly elected officials “so that their sense of the common good will overcome special demands.” This would include support for traditional families “throughout their lives, especially in painful moments.” Opposing gay adoption, it says children should “cease to be objects of the desires and conflicts of adults and fully benefit from the love of a father and a mother.”

Church spokesman Monsignor Bernard Podvin said they wanted to “raise the consciousness of public opinion about grave social choices.”
Pope Benedict said in January that same-sex marriage threatened “the future of humanity itself.” In March, he denounced moves to legalise it in the United States, where President Barack Obama has since come out in its support.
Catholic Church leaders in England and Scotland have spoken out against gay marriage this year after Prime Minister David Cameron and the Scottish regional government both announced plans to legalise it.

Socialist President Francois Hollande pledged during the election campaign last spring to reform marriage laws and his government has said it would do so early next year. Opinion polls say about two-thirds of the French support gay marriage.

Defending the Church’s opposition, Lyon Cardinal Philippe Barbarin said marriage was defined at the very start of the Bible as created by God to join man and woman.
“Nobody should be surprised that we Catholics think the first page of the Bible is right, even more so than a parliament,” he told Europe 1 radio.
The Roman Catholic Church, which has 1.3 billion members worldwide, teaches respect for individual gays and lesbians but condemns homosexual acts as sinful.
Hollande has also expressed sympathy for euthanasia, which is not allowed in France, and named a commission to review whether the current law stressing palliative care for the dying needed to be expanded.
Paris Cardinal Andre Vingt-Trois discussed the issue with Hollande during their first official meeting in July. He did not oppose the review but said: “Just because one asks a question doesn’t mean one answers it positively.”
Same-sex marriage is legal in several European countries, including traditionally Catholic Spain and
Portugal. It is also allowed in Canada as well as in six U.S. states and the District of Columbia. Euthanasia is legal in the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium. Switzerland and the U.S. state of Oregon allow assisted suicide.

(Reporting By Tom Heneghan; Editing by Robin Pomeroy)

Proposition nationale pour une prière des fidèles en la fête de l’Assomption, le 15 août 2012.

En ce jour où nous célébrons l’Assomption de la Vierge Marie, sous le patronage de qui a été placée la France, présentons à Dieu, par l’intercession de Notre-Dame, nos prières confiantes pour notre pays :

En ces temps de crise économique, beaucoup de nos concitoyens sont victimes de restrictions diverses et voient l’avenir avec inquiétude ; prions pour celles et ceux qui ont des pouvoirs de décision dans ce domaine et demandons à Dieu qu’il nous rende plus généreux encore dans la solidarité avec nos semblables.

Pour celles et ceux qui on été récemment élus pour légiférer et gouverner ; que leur sens du bien commun de la société l’emporte sur les requêtes particulières et qu’ils aient la force de suivre les indications de leur conscience.

Pour les familles ; que leur attente légitime d’un soutien de la société ne soit pas déçue ; que leurs membres se soutiennent avec fidélité et tendresse tout au long de leur existence, particulièrement dans les moments douloureux. Que l’engagement des époux l’un envers l’autre et envers leurs enfants soient un signe de la fidélité de l’amour.

Pour les enfants et les jeunes ; que tous nous aidions chacun à découvrir son propre chemin pour progresser vers le bonheur ; qu’ils cessent d’être les objets des désirs et des conflits des adultes pour bénéficier pleinement de l’amour d’un père et d’une mère.

Seigneur notre Dieu, nous te confions l’avenir de notre pays. Par l’intercession de Notre-Dame, accorde-nous le courage de faire les choix nécessaires à une meilleure qualité de vie pour tous et à l’épanouissement de notre jeunesse grâce à des familles fortes et fidèles. Par Jésus, le Christ, Notre Seigneur.


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